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Amanda is a FullSail graduate that has been creating for almost 10 years now. In 2013, She won a Summit International Award for an E-commerce website she designed. She loves making all sorts of pretty stuff from print, web, photography and more! If she’s not creating then she’s most likely kickboxing! Fun fact: She’s a proud Ferrant of 2 adorable fuzz butts (ferrets).
Our resident “Funny Guy”. No really, we actually call him Funny Guy. Corny, punny jokes are his thing, and our office would be far less hilarious without him. He’s a project managing machine, and he keeps things moving and functioning the way they should.
Craig LOVES NETWORKING! Getting to know people, their business, success & struggles, family and their WHY…helping others connect to solve problems and create solutions.
Hobbies: College sports, Florida Gators, Going to the beach, volunteering, and learning new ways to help clients.
She’s the heart behind this whole dang thing. Her passion is helping others and getting them to recognize the awesomeness within themselves. True story, her office door is plastered with a giant BE AWESOME decal. She keeps us sane, and she helps us stay positive when all we want to do is be negative. Things that are important to her: our beautiful city, the Florida State Seminoles, focusing on solutions and NOT problems, and Thursday night trivia.
Olivia, we call her “OG” for short. She’s the one that keeps it real in the office. She’s the master planner, keeping clients’ accounts on time, making sure nothing gets missed. We often ask her to dot our i’s and cross our t’s, because, well she knows where the commas go. Most people don’t know about her crafty side. When she’s not at work she’s probably taking old furniture and turning it into something bee-yoo-ti-ful.